A depository of over 300 different beehive designs with photos, 93+ plans for beekeeping equipment and bee hives, beekeeping information and links from around the world. Submissions of photos and related information welcome. To post a comment click on the Beehive title, component title or the comment icon. Help us grow by linking to us, telling others, becoming a follower or a guest author.
January 17, 2010
Centennial Beehive, Worral
Circa 1878 app. More info HERE. This was an observation hive with 4 glass walls (section "h") on the lower section in an iron frame. Upper section was for comb honey production.
Centennial Beehive, Worral
Circa 1878 app. More info HERE. This was an observation hive with 4 glass walls (section "h") on the lower section in an iron frame. Upper section was for comb honey production.