
There are multiple hives and plans with the same basic name here. Use the search bar at the top left of this page if you do not see exactly what you want and came here by a search engine. Use the "Older Posts" hyperlink at bottom for more hives. For a larger photo, click on the photo. Got Small Hive Beetles? Use the traps in our Build It Yourself section and get the upper hand.

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January 8, 2009

Speaking Beekeeping

On unexpected problem we came across in the search for information was that search engines and web sites are always in the local language. While this may seem that it should have been easy to identify, it was not. The problem is simply that in order to find the information you must first be able to spell it in the language of choice.
Accordingly, this page is now created so that one can cross reference some of the basic beekeeping terms into other languages for your research. Web based translators are another option. To use, copy the line of languages and place in a search engine window, review the results.
Bee - Bijen, Bin,
Honeybee - Honingbij,
Beehive -
Hive - Bikupa (swedish), bijenkast, beute (german), frill (french),
Beekeeping - Bijenteelt, Imkerij, Bijenhouden, biodling, Birøkteren,