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January 20, 2010

Modified Dadant Hive

An original advertisement for the hive.
11 Brood frames of Quniby depth of 11 1/4" x 19" (Langstroth length). App. 85,500 cells. Short frame lug. Often used with Langstroth supers with adapter. Brother Adam's used a Buckfast Dadant hive which was 20" square x 12" deep and had 12 frames. There are multiple versions of Dadant hives on this site
Modified Dadant Hive
Jumbo Dadant Hive
Dadant Hive
Buckfast Dadant Hive
Dadant Blatt Italica Hive
Dadant Blatt - German Version
20 Frame Dadant

External dimension – 20" x 18 ½" 
Brood body depth – 11 34
Super depth – 6 58" The brood area is 3,740 square inches. 
Top Bee Space 
Foundation sizes Deep – 16 34" x 10 34" Shallow – 16 34" x 5 34" 11 Hoffman frames (1 1/2") in either a brood body or super.