
There are multiple hives and plans with the same basic name here. Use the search bar at the top left of this page if you do not see exactly what you want and came here by a search engine. Use the "Older Posts" hyperlink at bottom for more hives. For a larger photo, click on the photo. Got Small Hive Beetles? Use the traps in our Build It Yourself section and get the upper hand.

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March 26, 2012

Beekeepers and Environmentalists Petition EPA to Stop Pesticide Linked to Bee Deaths - MarketWatch

Beekeepers and Environmentalists Petition EPA to Stop Pesticide Linked to Bee Deaths - MarketWatch:

'via Blog this'

March 20, 2012

Wintering bees in cellars

In the late 1800's and though the earlier 1900's it was a common practice in the US to winter bees in special bee houses or cellars.  This was over time abandoned due to various reasons.  Here is a classic pamphlet from the Unites States Department of Agriculture on the subject.  Moisture was a common problem in cellars.

A Packing case
During this same time frame it was common that beehives left outdoor received some form of outer weather protector.  Double wall hives, hive covers and wraps started to be used and of various designs.

Today, most beekeepers winter their bees outdoors.  There are various thoughts, designs, devices and treatments used depending on your location and local practice.

March 18, 2012

Bee Vacuum Construction Plan

Bee vacuum parts
I needed to construct a quick and free bee vacuum for swarms and cut-outs.  I saw many bee vacuum plans and some are on this web site, but I also wanted a cheap bee vacuum.  After all, how many times would I use this vacuum?  Nothing beats a free or no cost bee vacuum.

What I had on hand was an old package bee box, some duct tape, an old coreplast political sign, screen wire, some screws, string and a 2 and 1/4 inch hole saw.  Refer to the pictures. Click on them for a better view.

To begin I first cut a 2-1/4 inch hole (my vacuum hose size) to one side of the old can hole.  I also took a rectangle of wood and drilled a 2-1/4 hole in it for the hose to the vacuum source (my shop vac). I made this wider than the box so I can attach the bee vacuum to my ladder rung while I used it. Then taking the duct tape, I closed off one side of the package bee box completely with the tape.

Next, I placed a square of the screen wire over the old can hole and then placed my rectangle wooden piece over that screen wire.  When this is screwed together, the screen will keep the bees in and away from the vacuum source.

Next using the box as a guide, I cut a piece of the sign to fit between the wooden strips on the other side of the box to act as an air shut off.  This will be held in place by a string around the box for easy removal.  Do not nail it on. It does not need to be held tightly as the vacuum will hold it in place when in use.

Next I cut a square from the sign to make a pivot door to close the hive when I pull off the suction tube, this will be attached to the box with a single screw and a washer. You could also make this out of the old can cover that came with the box.

Last, I assembled everything together and attached the hoses and vacuum source.  I needed a vacuum flow to be a slight suction at the bee end, to much and the bees would die from trauma. Starting with a small square hole for the vacuum spoiler, I enlarged it very slightly till I got the vacuum I was looking for. If you should cut the hole to large, just place some tape over it to increase the vacuum.

I placed some old rags in the floor of the box to act as a cushion for the bees when they are sucked into the box.

After sucking up the bees, unplug your bee suction hose and pivot the door closed.  The plastic insert (big red thing with hole) will pull easily from under the string, exposing a full side of the box for fresh air.

Bee vacuum strapped on ladder rung
I strapped this to a ladder rung, the extended top board rests on the step and keeps it in firmly place.  If the suction starts to drop because the bees in the box cluster at the vacuum source hole, turn off the vacuum and then a quick knock on the box will dislodge them, then begin again. If you make two of these, you can switch them out as the bee vacuum fills and keep on going.

Results:  It worked great only a few bees (maybe 10) died.  I just united these bees with another hive as I could not find the queen.  Total cost $0. Took me about an hour to build.

SHB Small Hive Beetle Trap Types

What kinds of Small Hive Beetle traps are available?
Below are some of the common traps for SHB's you most often read about.  There are traps you can make your self on this site as well.  Regardless of the type you purchase or make, the best approach is to use at least two types at a time.  This way you can see what works best for you.

If you use baits or lures, switch them also before deciding the trap design is bad.  Sometimes the smallest change can turn failure into success.  Some traps while listed as disposalable can be reused.  I strongly recommended that you use both an upper and a lower trap to increase your chances.  The reason is simply that we have all seen the beetles when opening the hive top.  We have also seen the bottom traps are effective, so why not use these locations to your advantage.

In no special order:

Beetle Jail

Hood Trap on a drone frame

AJ's Beetle Eater
West Beetle Trap

Georgia SHB Trap

Beetle Blaster
Beetle Blaster side view
DE Beetle Trap

March 13, 2012

Pesticides and Honeybees

A great report can be found here.

March 11, 2012

Pagoda Hive

This is a rather slow moving video, that said, it is an interesting design that resembles Oscar Perone's hive.  This hive is made from 1x4's with a side entrance.

March 10, 2012

Tom Back's Straw Top Bar Hive

More Information HERE.

Bruscs beehives

More information HERE.

March 7, 2012

1772 Stacking Straw Hive

No other information.

Stacking Hive

March 5, 2012

Entrance Blocks

I found this little graphic and thought it might be of interest to some.  This might be useful in heavy SHB areas or when robbing is high.  Circa 1918. The idea is almost a hundred years old.

Beehive entrance blocks

Circular Hive

By W.S. Blaisdell of Randolph, Vermont.

Making Bee Foundation

A special post for a job well down.  Make your own wax foundation press CHEAP. You will need a translation but the photos are so well you might get by.  Try using a browser plug-in if you don't have one.
By Mehmet YĆ¼ksel

Hex Hive | Hexagon Beehive

This hive is in current production and available for sale.

Hex Hive
Hex Hive roofs

Make Bee Frame Side Bars

Here's a graphic on how to make your own frame ends with power tools.

March 4, 2012

Chaff Eclectic Hive

More info HERE.

Cottage Frame Hive

No other info.

Cottage Frame Beehive

Cylinder Beehive

From Crete.

Cylinder Bee Hive

Conical Straw Hive

No other info.

Conical straw beehive

March 3, 2012

Improved Langstroth Hive